Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NCAAF Week 11 Picks

In my boredom at the library I took a break from studying to draw up the play above on a chalk board. The concept is fairly simple. UT has a play like this, but a little different. The play works like this:

#1 This is play action. The QB could obviously check to a run if the defense lined up in a particular way, but that is not the goal here. Therefore, the QB fakes the hand off to the back and reads the strong side linebacker.

#2 If the linebacker comes inside on the play action then the QB's throw is to the outside receiver who has come in for a WR screen. The reason being if the linebacker hesitates or bites on the run then the pulling guard will have time to make it to the outside and block him by the time the LB recovers. With the SLB blocked (or sucked inside) and the flex TE/WR blocking the nickel back you have potentially set up your outside WR for a 1 on 1 with the strong safety (SS) a few yards down field. (This assumes good blocks of course). This should work fairly well against man or zone. The blitz is not overly concerning since the WR throw is a fairly quick read.

#3 If the LB stays put (or goes w/ the flex) (thus making it more difficult for the pulling guard to get out there) the QB next reads the outside CB if he is in man, but jumps the screen you have a wide open throw to the slot down the sideline.

#4 If it is a straight zone then you still have a chance at the slot throw to the outside because the SS will have to make a good read and not commit either inside on the PA or to the WR screen. A false step could make it hard for him to get to the outside in time. If all else fails you will have the right WR running a crossing route over the middle

On to the picks:

Last Week: 2-1
Season: 21-11-2
Indiana +25.5 at Penn State
Idaho +31 at Boise State
Texas A&M +20 at OU
South Carolina +16 vs. Florida
Utah +19.5 at TCU
Houston -4.5 at UCF

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