Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Greatest NBA Trade I Have Ever Come Up With

It can't happen, but only because it makes too much sense. It improves the future of every single team, makes sense financially, and works under the cap.

And the scary thing is I came up with it laying in bed with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep. Is that impressive or sad or disturbing? I don't really know.

The question as you read on is: Which team would not say yes?

T-Wolves trade: C Al Jefferson, SF Wesley Johnson, PG Ricky Rubio
Pacers trade: SF Danny Granger, C Roy Hibbert
Sixers trade: SG Andre Iguodala
Heat trade: PF Michael Beasley

T-Wolves get: SF Danny Granger, SG Andre Iguodala
Pacers get: C Al Jefferson, PF Michael Beasley, PG Ricky Rubio
Sixers get: SF Wesley Johnson
Heat get: C Roy Hibbert


T-Wolves Analysis:

It is no secret that Minnesota does not believe that Jefferson and Kevin Love can play well together and that they have actively been shopping Jefferson and his sizable (though in my mind quite reasonable) contract. Not to mention, they just invested 33 million in Darko and 2008 draft pick Nikola Pekovic. Last season, the Wolves starting SF and SG were Ryan Gomes and Corey Brewer. Yuck.

This trade gives the T-Wolves a very exciting nucleus of Love, Granger, Iggy, and Johnny Flynn. Granger is 27, Love is 21, Iggy is 26, and Flynn is 21. All of them are under contract for at least 3 more years. Add in a lottery pick next season (preferably a C) and a solid bench with Martell Webster, Corey Brewer, and Ramon Sessions and you have a legit playoff team. On Rubio, his people clearly were never excited about Minnesota and while Indy is not much better, the starting spot is clearly his when he comes over (after next season) and the roster is a much more natural fit.

New Lineup: Darko, Love, Granger, Iguodala, Flynn

Pacers Analysis:

Indy has been stuck in a rut ever since the 'Malice in the Palace' derailed the franchise. They have been not good enough to contend, but not bad enough to get a real high pick in the draft that might be a difference maker. Instead, they have been relegated to the late lottery getting the likes of Brandon Rush and Tyler Hansbrough--not exactly franchise changers. Granger is a perennial all-star and a stud, but where is this team going as currently constructed?

This move reshapes the roster and gives the franchise a clearer path back to contention. Add in a 1st rd. pick next year at SG to push Rush to the bench and you have something here.

New Lineup: Jefferson, Beasley, P. George (#10 pick this year), B. Rush, Rubio

Sixers analysis:

Is Iggy for Johnson an even swap talent-wise? Not at all. However, this move clears a lot of money off of Philly's books and puts the new face of the franchise Evan Turner in a better position to succeed with Johnson as a much more natural sidekick. They also really like Holiday at the point. Elton Brand will continue to weigh down the roster until his contract comes off the books, but the new financial flexibility will give Philly room to add to its young nucleus without getting into the luxury tax. Add in a high pick in next year's draft in the front court and the team has real upside and direction. (Note: Turner is 21, Johnson 22, Holiday 20).

New Lineup: S. Hawes, E. Brand, W. Johnson, E. Turner, J. Holiday

Heat analysis:

This trade is predicated on the Heat signing one of the premier free agent PFs (Bosh/Amare/Boozer), which seems almost certain. Therefore, on a team with so much money tied up in a few players can you really afford to have two playing the same position (particularly when your GM (and next coach?) does not care much for the other)? Young inexpensive bigs are hard to find and while Hibbert is not a world-beater, he is a legit starting center who makes only $2 mil. This move actually frees up an extra 2.5 million in cap space for Miami. So lets say the Heat get Wade and Bosh, but not LeBron or Joe Johnson. With Hibbert on board and their remaining cap space they could sign say PG Ray Felton (who I am pretty high on and is only 25) for about 5 years 35 mil; SF Mike Miller as the dead-eye shooter to space the floor (hit 48% on 3s last season (41% for his career)) for mid-level type money 4 years 20 million. This leaves Miami with about $4 mil left to pick up a solid bench guy. Again, the theme is that the roster makes more sense after this move. This is a top 4 team in the East and a legit contender to go to the Finals.

New Lineup: Hibbert, Bosh, Miller, Wade, Felton

Who says no?

1 comment:

  1. That is a sick trade. As a sixers fan I would be all about it, and as I told you I think the sixers need to move iguodala so that they can be flexible while the team is still rebuilding (at least next two years). Then turner can be the man and hopefully we can move brand in like 3 years.
